
Despite sweetheart deal, Pruitt was reportedly a nightmare tenant who never took out the trash.

发表于 2024-09-21 22:56:05 来源:影视网站模板

During the early months of the Trump administration, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt, famously, rented a room in a townhouse for $50 a night from D.C. power lobbyist J. Steven Hart and his wife Vicki Hart. All involved maintain this does not amount to a sweetheart deal for the ethically challenged Pruitt, but what is becoming more clear is that Pruitt was a bit of a nightmare as a tenant.

Exhibit A: Pruitt didn’t take out the trash until explicitly instructed how to store and then dispose of rubbish. From the Daily Beast:

Pruitt was described by numerous sources as a disastrous tenant, with one comparing him to Owen Wilson’s character in You, Me and Dupree. According to three people familiar with events, Pruitt would not take out the trash during his time staying at the townhouse believing that a cleaning service would do it for him. There was no cleaning service that came with the apartment, however. And the garbage bags piled up to the point that Vicki Hart was forced to tell him to put them in the canister and to take that canister out to the street the next time he left the building.

Exhibit B: He wouldn’t leave. Via Politico:

The couple, Vicki and Steve Hart, became so frustrated by their lingering tenant that they eventually pushed him out and changed their locks. After trying to nudge Pruitt out of their home over the course of several months, the Harts finally told Pruitt in July that they had plans to rent his room to another tenant.

Scott Pruitt’s guest rating: one-star.

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